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More Resources to Learn Data Journalism

More Resources to Learn Data Journalism

From helpful websites to inspirational twitter accounts – here are more resources to learn about data journalism.
Vivien Götz

The universe of data journalism is big and changes all the time. The resources below are a good start, if you want to explore the universe of data journalism, learn more and keep up with new developments in the field. 

Online Resources about Data Journalism 

Datajournalism.com is a great starting place. The website offers a lot of long reads on many different topics. They also have a useful newsletter called “Conversations with Data”. 

The Global Investigative Journalism Network, which is a website and a network that can be useful for a lot of topics, also provides an overview on all their articles about Data Journalism. F

Visit: Journalist’s Toolbox

Newsletters about Data Journalism 

Data Elixir is a newsletter that focuses on all topics related to data science. Its scope reaches beyond data journalism. It deals with topics such as data management, data science, ethics and machine learning and can thus introduce you to new ideas that might offer you new perspectives for data journalism. 

Quantum of Sollazzo is run by Italian data and technology expert Giuseppe Sollazzo . It is a weekly collection of data stories that caught the authors attention and can provide you with inspiration and insights. 

Twitter Resources about Data Journalism 

Twitter is the main networking platform for journalists around the world. Following relevant accounts will help you connect with interesting people and keep track of relevant developments. Under the hashtag #ddj you can find data stories, learnings and information about recent developments in data journalism. 

Here is a selection of relevant accounts that can expand your network on data journalism: 

Data Journalism Blog – A Twitter account run by a data journalist, to keep up with important developments. 

Indonesian Data Journalism Network brings data journalists from all over Indonesia together. 

Indian Spend is a data journalism initiative from India and DataJourno is the network platform for Indian data journalists. 

Kuang Keng Kuek Ser very well connected, investigative data journalist from Malaysia. 

Get Inspired 

If you want to browse really great data stories from all around the world, have a look at the page of the Sigma Awards. They celebrate the best pieces of data journalism every year and have a collection of all the winners and the short listed pieces on their website.

About author
Vivien Götz

Vivien Götz is a German data journalist mainly covering politics and armed conflicts for the German daily newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung. She is an alumnus of the Young Journalist Program (JONA) of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and volunteers as a data-analyst for the German NGO Netzwerk Chancen and holds an M.A. in International Relations and Development Policy.

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